

How to avoid losing your temper at work. | Forum

Ray Apr 30 '19

Losing your temper is never pretty, but having a furious meltdown at work can also deeply damage your professional reputation and career. Some of us are more prone to anger than others, but frustrations have a way of building up at work until they become uncontrollable forces of self-destruction. Finding ways to constructively control your temper is essential, especially if you are prone to outbursts.

If you’re feeling frustrated, come up with a game plan to manage your feelings before you insult your boss or toss your laptop out of a window.

  1. Watch out for symptoms of anger.If you have a tendency to let your frustrations get the better of you, make sure you know the warning signs for when your anger is building. Recognizing your negative feelings early can help you respond maturely and fight the instinct to react blindly.
  2. Exit the situation immediately.If you feel angry, stop what you’re doing and leave the situation before you do something you regret. Anger has a way of replacing your reason, making you prone to poor decision making.
  3. Calm down.After you’ve exited, it’s important you take a few minutes to calm down. Some of these activities can help you regain your cool:
    • Count to 100.
    • Listen to your favorite song.
    • Go for a walk.
    • Breathe deeply.
  4. After the fact, give yourself time to think about your feelings and deal with them appropriately:
    Give yourself some perspective

    Picture yourself in your given situation and think how your actions would look to an onlooker. Would your reactions seem rational and professional? Consider the validity of your feelings, and ask yourself if you’re overreacting to the situation and how a mature person would react instead.

    Vent to someone who doesn’t work with you.

    Find someone to discuss your frustrations with who isn’t a part of the situation. Having someone to talk to can not only help you get your frustrations off your chest, but can also help you gain much needed insight.

    Destress physically.

    Since your lifestyle can affect your emotional stability, make sure you are doing everything you can to keep your mind and body balanced, calm and healthy. Getting adequate sleep, exercising regularly and avoiding alcohol consumption can help you gain control over your emotions.

The Forum post is edited by Ray Apr 30 '19